Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fabiola and Aron standing on the fence while shouting 'chicken' at Matt saying 'it's the same thing in English'.

Matt and Sakura working hard, unlike most of us hardly working, and spending a few last moments with the kids.

Darren and Saul.

Teresita actually allowing me to take a photo of her, without bribery or sneak attack.

Our group photo with us and our closest child. Goodbyes are never easy, and today's was harder than the calculus test you didn't study for.

Sakura and Gabriel, he loved to hate her everyday we've been here, but today, he actually loved her.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mckenna isn't impressed with Saul's gold digging skills
Take off time.
Nap time. Gabriel sleeping on Tiffani.
Jacob and Matt planting.
Pool time! Everyone in!
Time for a wild ride!
Kaelyn and Celeste.
Pictures by Tiffani Costa Rica 2013 -Tiffani
New friends from America :)

Sakura and Gabriel.
Pretty girls hanging out.
Cora got down and dirty with Ayda and Theresita!

Gabriel's sweet attempt at helping Sakura with her makeup!

Wilmer getting some lovie dovies from Darren, Tiffani and Jacob.

       Painting tends to get messy. Especially for Lucy!  

   Matt sharing some secret style tips with Monse.

Today the group successfully brightened the blue hallway by spreading Very Lemon Yellow, Late Sun Orange and Calm Spring Green.


Sunday (relax day)

       We were all really tired on Sunday from the beach the previous day, and some of us were recovering from being sick. So, we decided to have a relaxed day and explore the town a little more. The volcano above rarely shows its head, and as you can see we took advantage of it.

     The water fountain is in the park that is up the block from where we are staying. This park seems to be the place we like to hang out at and meet new people. We also play games in the grass as well as other bonding activities.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

 On the drive to the beach we spotted some monkeys! We pulled aside the road to capture our one of many wildlife creatures. I must say I've never seen so many curious Georges at one time!

 These are the ponies we came across at the end of our riverside hike. Beyond them we thought we saw some monkeys but it was some big birds in disguise. Come to think of it, we could have done a free horse back riding trail, but I'm glad we didn't see that outcome.

 The volcano stopped playing hide-and-seek at last. This is the first clear look we got to see of the nearby volcano. Let's hope it doesn't erupt during our stay in La Fortuna.

 Our awesome swim spot we heard about from B-rad. There is this long rope tied to a tree that everyone was swinging off into the water from. Almost everybody mustered up the courage to jump in. The water was chilling, but refreshing at the same time. We all had a grand ole' time.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Matt is giving a piggy back ride
Here Cora and Aida laugh together
Lucy gives Ashley a piggyback ride
This is the front room of the orphanage.  Our team prepped the edges with tape and newspaper, primed, and painted the wall in a color that would allow more light into the room.
Our second full day at the orphanage was composed of a nice combination of work and play.  We finished our first project - painting the front room of the orphanage.  In a nice, but sad occurrence, one of our favorite children at the orphanage is in the process of being adopted.  We are not sure if he will be there tomorrow. 

Last night we went out to the ice cream parlor, played a game called yee-haw, and in a stroke of luck found that there was an ad-hoc roller disco party taking place at the school across the street from us.  The skaters of our group gave it a whirl, skating and speaking with some of the friendly local kids. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome to Costa Rica!

Leaving the Houston Airport (with delays due to a coyote), we were finally on our last flight to Costa Rica. With plenty of lack of sleep, most were able to catch a few naps. The view from the sky was incredible and has yet to leave anyone with disappointment. Upon our arrival in the Costa Rica Airport, three lovely natives wore traditional dresses holding signs that read "Welcome to Costa Rica, Pura Vida," in Spanish of course.
Finally! In Costa Rica, lush green foliage is displayed all over the island, providing an abundance of humidity. The tropical forest looks like Jurassic Park to most, and is indubitably gorgeous. We were fortunate to gaze at this truly magnificent view for three hours as we rode in a bus to La Fortuna, Costa Rica.

The day, 1-9-13, we arrived at the Hogarcito Orphanage, with an abundance of happy, heartfelt children, and played with them all for our first day, gaining awareness of the children that we are here for. (pictured here is Shirley). 
La Fortuna, Costa Rica, main street. Later in the day we roamed the town of our in-habitation, exploring the wonders the city has to behold.
Sakura with Shirley on the playground.

Tiffani allowed Fabiola to take some photos with her camera, but had plenty of attempts to try and get it back before asking for help. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our trip began at 8am on Monday morning in snowy, cold Virginia City.  Thanks to the help of Matt's mom Melissa, we were able to fit all of our suitcases inside the van.  We departed from Community Chest with the cheerful farewell wished to us by Kelly Coons.
After traveling over the Sierra Nevada Mountains, we arrived in Sausolito to chow down on some authentic pizza from a little shop on by the bay and preceded traveling  through to the Muir Woods, or more like the Enchanted Woods from the world of wonder. Each of us found ourselves becoming more joyous the farther into the wilderness we hiked.

Another stop along the way was Marin Headlands, the beach where The Goonies was filmed, where we formed a nautilus shell with our hands.